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Human Givens therapy makes use of the latest research into how our brains and emotions work. This research offers a clear explanation as to why you are feeling distressed and, more importantly, how you can work with your brain and emotions so that you quickly start to feel better.
The Human Givens approach offers a new understanding of what depression is - what causes it and how it can be resolved quickly and effectively. This understanding explains how depression is a cycle linking worry and anxiety to REM sleep, and what exactly is going on neurologically to make you feel unmotivated and lethargic in the mornings. Most people are very reassured and motivated when they hear this explanation.
Understanding what is going on in this cycle of worrying also points the way forward as to how to work with the brain in order to get rid of the depression quickly. No matter what life gives you, depression is an added burden - one you can well do without. I have witnessed many people move out of even long-standing depression and regain their enthusiasm for life. It is a real privilege to help.
Stress and Anxiety
Life moves fast nowadays and a certain element of stress is unavoidable. However when those stress levels reach a peak and don't come down, you can find yourself feeling increasingly anxious. Sometimes that anxiety spills over into a a panic attack, a general feeling of unease, a phobia, or the compulsive need to carry out a particular behaviour or thought process which interferes with your daily life. In most cases it will also result in poor sleep.
Learning how to turn the anxiety level down or switch it off brings huge relief. Panic attacks can be dealt with quickly in a session or two so that you are free of them for the future. And you can learn how to deal with obsessive or compulsive behaviour so that it ceases to be an issue for you. You can also rediscover how to sleep well.
Most phobias can be lifted, easily and painlessly, in one or two sessions. Forget the media's scare programmes like Panic Room! Getting rid of a phobia, using the Human Givens approach, is straightforward and actually remarkably relaxing. To date, I have successfully worked with a wide range of phobias including the fear of flying, public speaking, appearing on stage, vomiting, claustrophobia, agrophobia, fear of exams, fear of the dark, and a rather unusual (but nonetheless intrusive and limiting) phobia of wrists. The process is the same regardless of your phobia so do get in touch and help yourself get rid of whatever is interfering with your life.
Most people have experienced trauma of some kind in their life. Childhood can be a particularly challenging time when parents fail to nurture appropriately, or bullying takes place at school by other children or by teachers. Sometimes we deal with these things okay: other times they get 'stuck' in our brain and later on our brain pattern matches back to them and can cause considerable distress. As adults, we can experience the trauma of workplace bullying, trauma in relationships, in bereavement and so on. It is perhaps surprising how quickly traumas can be resolved - even ones that occurred a long time ago by using a technique called the Rewind. You don't need to give me details about the experience as this technique is extremely effective even without those details. The technique (an enhancement of EMDR which has featured on some Radio 4 programmes) makes use of the way your brain stores emotional memories to 'settle' them or 're-code them' in your memory so that they no longer cause distress. This is usually a straightforward procedure and - particularly if the rest of your life is relatively well balanced - can resolve the trauma or traumas very quickly, often in only one or two sessions.
Sometimes a traumatic event or events get so stuck in the brain that they impact to an even greater degree on our life, with difficulty sleeping, intrusive flashbacks, and a heightened level of anxiety and panic or anger and it is likely that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is at the root. We tend to associate PTSD with veterans, but it can equally take hold of any of us who have lived through abuse or an accident like a car crash or a house-fire or severe childbirth difficulties or witnessed violence of any kind. The trauma technique, the Rewind, is used very successfully to relieve PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
It is now being used by Resolution PTSD, a charity based on the Human Givens approach, that provides free treatment to ex-servicemen and women and their families who have suffered trauma in the course of their work. I am one of the Edinburgh based therapists for this charity.
To find out more about this work with servicemen and women, please have a look at the charity's website:
We all have the capacity to become addicted to something that initially gave us pleasure. Human Givens therapy offers a fascinating understanding of the 'addictive process' which is rooted in a mechanism of the brain that is essential to our evolution but which gets highjacked when an addiction takes its hold. Common addictions include cigarettes, alcohol, eating disorders (eating either too much, too little or bingeing), drugs, shopping, gambling, exercise or the internet. Provided you really want to stop, the process of giving up can be very straightforward.
Inappropriate Anger
If you find you're constantly reaching boiling point and exploding or if you're constantly snapping over trivia and not sure why, Human Givens therapy can help you work with your brain to calm yourself down. When you are calmer you are able to see things with a clearer perspective and will also be able to make your point in a way that ensures it is heard and doesn't just escalate into a shouting match which leads nowhere.
Sometimes anger outbursts occur with no obvious reason at all. This can be because of a blocked pattern from your childhood and again, Human Givens therapy offers an effective way to shift that blockage so that the outbursts stop.
To make an appointment or to discuss how Human Givens therapy can help you:
phone 0131 449 3265 or 07910 217 259
or email: [email protected]